In The Classroom
Masking for students is optional at this time. During “high” community risk level in Davidson County, teachers will wear masks and students 3+ are encouraged to wear masks.
Parents and visitors are allowed in the building at pick up only.
Staggered arrival and departure times for each class.
Masking requirements for students 3+ may be updated during year based on CDC community risk levels.
Student contacts minimized by keeping classes separate when indoors.
Classroom windows open as much as possible as conditions and activities allow.
Fans and air purifiers in each classroom to increase air flow.
Only teachers and students allowed in their classroom.
Outerwear remains on hooks outside classroom.
Shared spaces disinfected between classes.
High touch surfaces disinfected multiple times during the day.
Daily disinfecting of classrooms.
Sanitizing stations throughout building and students sanitize hands regularly throughout day.
Shared Spaces
Shared spaces to be used by one classroom at a time.
Big room toys to be cleaned between uses.
Playground closed to non-attending families during school hours.
Parents provide both snack and lunch for children.
Parents wash lunch boxes daily and wash their hands while preparing snacks and lunches.
Children wash hands before lunch and snack.
Teacher wears gloves when handling snacks and lunches.
Nap mats need to be plastic, will stay at school and be sanitized daily after use.
Nap mats placed head to toe and as far apart as possible (6 ft preferable).
Parents launder blankets/loveys weekly.